Palit GeForce RTX 2060 GamingPro OC Review

February 12, 2019 | 23:00

Tags: #geforce-rtx-2060 #gpu #graphics-card #rtx-2060 #tu106 #turing

Companies: #nvidia #palit

World of Tanks Encore

Publisher: Wargaming

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World of Tanks Encore is a free demo used to assess performance using the game's upcoming Core engine that's been built from scratch. While this DIrectX 11 benchmark is not as demanding as most games in our suite (it's an esports title after all), it does look the part. We test using the Ultra preset (the highest available), and capture 60 seconds using FRAPS, starting the recording about 15 seconds into the full thing, which allows us to capture the most demanding part.

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Posted by Wakka - Wed Feb 13 2019 10:19

Seeing what the RTX 2060 can do when overclocked, i'm struggling to see the point of the RTX 2070?

Be interesting to see where the (utterly stupidly named) 1660Ti will sit in the pecking order...

Posted by perplekks45 - Wed Feb 13 2019 10:25

Most likely below the 2060 to push sales for those.

I just feel meh about the whole 20xx line-up. There's nothing really exciting in it (right now). Obviously, wide-spread adoption of RTX in its various forms might change that, but I'd wager we'll have the 21xx series by then, if not 22xx.

Posted by bawjaws - Wed Feb 13 2019 11:12

Seeing what the RTX 2060 can do when overclocked, i'm struggling to see the point of the RTX 2070?

Be interesting to see where the (utterly stupidly named) 1660Ti will sit in the pecking order...
If I had to guess, I'd say maybe 15%-20% below the 2060, and obviously without raytracing. And yeah, it's an absolutely stupid and senseless naming convention. I'd have gone with 1160Ti myself, no idea where that leading 6 has been plucked from!

Posted by perplekks45 - Wed Feb 13 2019 13:20

So, do we expect 2060 -20% performance for 2060 -5% pricing?
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